Studio sketch by Anna Ilsley
Join us for a relaxed and friendly exploratory painting workshop with Suffolk-based artist Anna Ilsley.
Try making your own water-based paint using pure powdered pigments such as Ultramine Blue and Bavarian Red Earth, mixed with binders including PVA glue and gumarabic.
The workshop will be held over 3 hours and there will be the opportunity to paint the natural environment at The Orchard as well as making studio-based intuitive 'automatic'-style paintings.
There will also be an opportuntity to view the ELEPIDOTE group exhibition at Newquay Orchard, which Anna is exhibiting in along with 7 other artists.
Workshop price includes a tea / coffee & cake from the Heart & Soul Cafè
Open to all abilities | all materials provided | £20 | 16+
Work in progress - Anna Ilsley studio