the memories come back in waves by Ingrid Pop
Shaping Objects
8 - 14 July 2023
Unit B, Barn Studio, Newquay TR7 1JJ
Closing event : Friday 14 July, live music from Lunge
Located in the former studio of legendary surfboard shaper Chris ‘CJ’ Jones, 'Shaping Objects’ is a playful and tactile group show, highlighting modern ceramics and stone carving, together with sculptural photography, film and mixed media.
The artists we have invited to exhibit all use clay, stone and other natural materials, either for their intrinsic qualities or as recurring themes and explorations in their work - often citing a connection to the land, or interest in the fundamental qualities of the earth and natural materials as their main source of inspiration.
This exhibition is an opportunity for us to bring together a group of artists whose work reflects ALMA’s own interest in materials, environment, location and art as a means to communicate and to challenge our view of the world, as well as what a typical gallery space should / could look like.
We are excited about curating an exhibition in this space, and interested to see the outcomes and interactions that take place within the installation; between the viewers, and the objects themselves.
The exhibition continues 9 - 14 July 2023 Open daily 10am - 3pm or by appointment
This exhibition runs alongside our current residency at Newquay Orchard, an on-going project of curated exhibitions and workshops, which aims to give everyone access to quality art and cultural activities. So far, the project has featured professional Cornwall-based artists : Ben Sanderson, Kitty Hillier, Hannah Waldron and Bridgette Ashton with another 12 month programme launching in September 2023.